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Eset: more than half of Russian IoT users are vulnerable to cyber threats

Written by InfoSecurity Russia Team | 3/12/20 7:00 AM

Eset, an international information security expert, conducted a study on protecting users of Internet of Things (IoT) devices from cyber threats. The rapid development of the market for smart gadgets has led to the fact that manufacturers don’t have time to detect and prevent dangerous vulnerabilities in a timely manner. That fact opens up many options for malicious users to attack the network.

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In the first part of the study respondents shared their experience of using different devices. The most popular devices were those that support Smart TV technology (52% of respondents chose this option in a multivariate survey). The second place — smart watches (45%): users monitor their activity using a step tracker, heart rate monitor and other functions. 15% of respondents got an assistant - a robot vacuum cleaner.

To the question "What smart gadgets or systems would you buy?" 37% of respondents said they would like to buy a climate control, 41% - smart lighting, and 50% - a security system. In the complex, such devices create a fully-fledged smart home, but it is important to remember about security.

All gadgets collect data about their owners. For example, smartwatches process information about the user's health status and help to optimize sleep and activity. Smart TV knows all about the preferences and interests of the viewer, because this data allows you to choose the most interesting programs for them.

Thus, smart gadgets become a storage for a huge array of confidential information about users. Moreover, they create a potential threat to the home network — smart devices can open access to a smartphone, computers etc. To avoid this, almost one in ten users (9%) resort to network segmentation. However, more than half of the respondents (54%) reported that they do not protect IoT devices in any way.

"The security problems of IoT devices are caused by a number of reasons. Manufacturers often use easy-to-guess passwords by default, neglect access control and set a fairly short period of support for sold gadgets.-  said Ondrey Kubovich, the cybersecurity expert of Eset. - Users, in turn, connect their newly acquired "smart" device, without even thinking about the basic rules of cybersecurity, such as creating a strong password, enabling two-factor authentication (if possible) and regularly updating the operation system and firmware of all devices."

Eset recommends taking a responsible approach to choosing IoT gadgets and protecting them. Comprehensive antivirus solutions that cover all home network devices, including smart cameras, smart TVs, etc., will help you protect yourself.